martes, 8 de febrero de 2011



1.- What do you think it is? A plant, a flower, a tree, a fruit, an insect, a bird, a rat, a squirrel, a mammal, a...?
2.- What´s the other name they are known by? ------ -----
3.- How long are they in legnth?
4.- How much do they weight?
5.- How long can they glide from tree to tree?
6.- Where do they live?
7.- Are they hervibores or carnivores?
8.- Why are they in danger of extinction?

Do you think they do any good to us, the humans? Can we do anything to help them survive? Share your ideas with the group.

You will pass the activity if you answer these questions and if you think about an idea to help the colugos. You can work in pairs or individually. The answers should be sendt by email.

Enjoy listening and watching the information given in this video

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