sábado, 12 de febrero de 2011


This image tells a lot about my feelings during this course. I saw it like a BIG WAVE coming onto me. Sometimes I flet so scared of not being able to go over it, under it, not even through it that... I needed to swim back to the shore and wait for smaller waves. Take a deep breath and try to dive again.
I can´t say that I feel like a successfull expert surfer but I have to say that I have learn a lot, I,m no as scared as I was before and.... I learnt that in order to surf the big waves we have to train a lot.
At the beginning it was pretty difficult for me to go form one activity to the next one, get back to the email, forum ( I took my a while to find out how did I get there, I asked myself: what did I click yesterday to be able to see it?), activities to be done, then back to the tutorials, my coleagues bloggs... Sometimes I went from one page to another forgetting where was the last thing I read... There were so many interesting things to read, a lot of ideas coming to my mind at the same time, then a phone call, my kids, a lot of other family matters to attend, the flue, ...... crizy rhythm!!! My sentence for the last 2 months has been: I buy time!, I need more time to do all the things I have started!!!
This has been the first time I have done an online course, that's why I got lost, I guess. I liked all the topics: the use of audacity and how to get the sound so easily in internet has been such a discover!! It's been really easy and such a useful tool. I thinks it´s the first thing I'm going to experience with my students. I think they will be delighted and very motivated whenever we start reading the stories of new Units.
I liked "Treasure Hunt" but it will take me time to prepare a good one; it.s not just the topic, the evaluation is something that should be done properly.....
WIKI. Now I will remember what it is becauuse I have done one and I see that in a future, when our students' ICT knowledge improves a bit, it will be very useful and motivating.
I'm looking forward to get through animotos tutorials and get my activities done.

I'm happy that now I can move through my blogg easier, at the begining I did´t know how to edit what I did, I didn't know I could make changes.... I like the idea of getting my coleagues bloggs addres in mine, it makes easier to go form one to another. I copied some other ideas form my coleagues like: interesting links( dictionaries, web pages...)
It's been a pleasure


I found all the activities very interesting and pretty useful.

The blog: it's a nice digital notebook to keep record of everything in an organized way. A good way to communicate with our students and the rest of the school community. You just need to give a time in our week-schedule and keep on practicing.. It opens a new world to all of us, we can learn so much form our colleagues ! The only disadvantage or weak point i would be the time you can spend on it, it can capture you for a long long period of time.

Treasure hunts useful too. Easy to adapt to our youngest students. Perfect to work individually or in groups.
Wiki: allowing communication between peers, great tool too.

Podcasting: just great! Maybe the way to get our students have a better pronunciation if we keep giving them good patterns to copy from.

Video. I just have done my first animoto. I think 3rd cycle primary students can do their own videos and they would be delighted.

I loved all the interesting web pages you show us. For sure I will use a lot; I liked the Quiz maker. I don´t know if I will be able to do one now ( I tried with without success) anyway the quizzes I saw are so good that I just can go ahead using them and if my students like it I can try making new ones using the music they like...,


The main difficulty of this course was to find time to be in front of the computer longer than 20 minutes in a row. I had difficulties moving around the campus spiral page too ( it took me a time to see how to go form the tutorials to the forum, to the other bloggers... but in the end I catched all that process)

I haven't interact too much with my peers because I was far behind them but I look at their bloggs and I learnt a lot from them too. It's been a good help, really

Now I see myself as a teacher willing to use more ICT in her classes, and with much more knowledge than when I started this course.


From our school to Salesianos school

Come to the smart board and give us directions to go from our school to Saleasianos School . We will practice our outting to be able to see the play "Magic Books"
Starting point: San Inazio Eskola.


Ikusi Walking to the theatre mapa handiago batean

jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011


This could be a video to use at the end of the year when our primary 6 students leave the school. I would use pictures taken during the school year as short sentences or clasroom language learnt as ie. "See you later alligator" "after a while crocodile" "Behave! " and so on


Charlie and the chocolate factory


miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011


I thought about doing this easy wiki to practice the contents that my ss of primary 5 are working on in their text books. The guessing game is something they like but the most interesting part of this would be the 2nd part where I would ask them to create new "Quizz cards" about different animals. This way they will have to think about different animals, they will have to use the dictionary for new vocabulary, and they will learn more about eating habits, habitats and some other amazing facts about animals ( they will search in internet, dictionaries, encyclopedias...). I must say that there a lot of students who are really experts about animal facts while others have no idea, so mixed group would be a good idea.


Isn't it just great? Audacity is so easy to use, I think my students will love it, so good to work on pronountiation. I can see them all excited!


martes, 8 de febrero de 2011



1.- What do you think it is? A plant, a flower, a tree, a fruit, an insect, a bird, a rat, a squirrel, a mammal, a...?
2.- What´s the other name they are known by? ------ -----
3.- How long are they in legnth?
4.- How much do they weight?
5.- How long can they glide from tree to tree?
6.- Where do they live?
7.- Are they hervibores or carnivores?
8.- Why are they in danger of extinction?

Do you think they do any good to us, the humans? Can we do anything to help them survive? Share your ideas with the group.

You will pass the activity if you answer these questions and if you think about an idea to help the colugos. You can work in pairs or individually. The answers should be sendt by email.

Enjoy listening and watching the information given in this video